A ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday marked the official opening of Park Avenue, our new supportive housing program in East Harlem. More than 100 Odyssey House employees, supporters and community members attended the celebration, which featured speeches by Adolfo Carrion, Regional Administrator, US Department of Housing & Urban Development; Odyssey House President Dr. Peter Provet; and New York State Office of Mental Health officials Michael Newman (Director, Bureau of Housing Development & Support) and Caren Abate (Assistant Housing Director, NYC Field Office).
Mr. Carrion, a former Bronx borough president and a longtime proponent of supportive housing, thanked Odyssey House for "helping people live their lives in more productive ways," a sentiment echoed by Park Avenue tenant Jack C., who said the program has given him the opportunity to improve his life. Jack, who has struggled with depression and substance abuse for many years, called his new home his "oasis." He continued, "For the first time in a long time, I know better days are ahead and I'm optimistic for the future."
See earlier posts for more information about the program. Check out photos of the building and ribbon cutting ceremony on Flickr.