On Tuesday night, PBS aired a new Frontline documentary,
Heroin,” chronicling the impact of the opioid epidemic as well as the
efforts of law enforcement, social workers, and public defenders and
prosecutors to save the lives of addicted people without locking them up. The
entire documentary is streaming online
and will air on WLIW/Channel 21 (PBS’s sister station) on Friday, February 26th
at 7pm.
The documentary was accompanied by four feature articles,
which you can access below.
Czar: Treating Substance Abuse as a Crime is “Inhumane” – As the first former addict to run the White House Office of National
Drug Control Policy, Michael Botticelli has a different perspective from any of
his six predecessors. In this interview, Botticelli talks about his own
struggles with addiction, the nation’s heroin and opioid epidemic, and why he
says “we can’t arrest our way out of our problem.”
the Heroin Epidemic Differs in Communities of Color – People develop
addictions for a variety of reasons, which makes it difficult to gather
concrete data on what’s happening in each community. Frontline spoke to
experts and community outreach workers around the country to try to
understand the differences. While some have followed a similar trajectory as
the white community, a closer look at the epidemic in some communities of color
reveals a different story.
Options and Obstacles to Treating Heroin Addiction – For decades,
treatment has centered on an abstinence-only approach, consisting of detox and
rehab, accompanied by counseling or group therapy, many inspired by the 12-step
model. But
as deaths have surged, many
experts have begun rethinking that approach, arguing that opiate
addiction should be treated the same as a chronic disease — like diabetes or
depression. Abstinence and counseling is not enough; medication must also
be an option.
Bad is the Opioid Epidemic? – The
epidemic didn’t happen overnight. Over the course of more than a decade, it has
grown into a problem destroying lives across the nation, regardless of
age, race, wealth or location. Here’s a look at how it happened and
who is most affected.